Electric power.


Öppet förfarande
2016-02-26 09:33 (GMT+01:00)
2016-04-05 12:00


Vestfjorden Avløpsselskap (VEAS) [Vestfjorden Sewage treatment Company] Vestfjorden Avløpsselskap (VEAS) [Vestfjorden Sewage treatment Company]
Anna Louise Axelsen
Bjerkåsholmen 125
3470 Slemmestad

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

VEAS wants to enter into a framework agreement for the purchase of electricity for it's business, including the process facility at process facility at Bjerkås. The combined annual energy need is approx. 30-45 GWh per year. Deducted from this is their own electricity production of approx. 16 GWh per year, so that the net energy need in 2015 was approx. 25 GWh. The consumption is expected to increase to approx. 40 GWh in the contract period, due to self-production being phased out and instead biogas production will be used.

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