Papyrus Consultancy Framework Agreement


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2016-02-09 15:08 (GMT+01:00)


Morten Bitsch Morten Bitsch
Kongens Vænge 8
3400 Hillerød

Kort beskrivning

ATP’s current Papyrus platform has over the last 5 years been customised to meet the business needs. ATP has today app. 300 different letters within the solution.

While ATP has been developing our own framework (with app. 300 different letters) the Software manufacturer has been developing a standard-framework – Correspondence Framework – which ATP now has a need to convert to.

In order to meet this specific conversion need and our future need for ad-hoc consultancy ATP is offering to sign a Framework agreement with 1 vendor in order to ensure the right level of knowledge is continued both in project work and for maintenance purpose. The vendor will work very closely together with ATP’s own highly skilled Papyrus specialists.

Therefore the purpose of this tender is establishing a Framework Agreement for Papyrus Consultancy. The vendor will have to ensure the following services will be delivered to ATP on a continuously basis in accordance with the Framework Agreement. The needed Consultants and the related tasks to perform are described in this appendix 1 (Services).

As mentioned above ATP is currently planning a conversion to Papyrus Correspondence Framework and therefore the vendor of this agreement will have to ensure that resources can be available from July 1 2015 and for an agreed period of time. A non-binding estimate will approximately be 100-200 days within this business year. Final details about this project will be settled with the vendor of this Frame Agreement.


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