New swimming and sports centre at Kjølnes.


Öppet förfarande
2016-02-05 09:25 (GMT+01:00)
2016-03-14 12:00


Porsgrunn Kommune, Eiendomsforvaltningen [Porsgrunn municipality, the Property administration] Porsgrunn Kommune, Eiendomsforvaltningen [Porsgrunn municipality, the Property administration]
Torbjørn Aage Øverland
Rådhusgata 7, 4 etasje
3915 Porsgrunn
939 991 034

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The competition concerns the procurement of architect and consultancy services for the preparation of the preliminary project and tender documentation for a turnkey contract for the new swimming hall and new double sports hall at Kjølnes. The Sports hall is planned without changing rooms. The preliminary project material shall be brought to a level that also forms the basis for 2 independent turnkey contracts, 1 for the swimming hall and 1 for the sports hall.

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