Lot 3 - LVD/Electrical equipment


2016-02-11 10:41 (GMT+01:00)
2016-03-11 12:00 (GMT+01:00)
2016-02-16 12:00 (GMT+01:00)
2016-03-11 11:59 (GMT+01:00)


Servicemægleren A/S Servicemægleren A/S
Vibeke Christensen Vibeke Christensen

Anbudet er kansellert

Kort beskrivning

The majority of the products here are lighting fixtures and household products, as well as entertainment electronics; typical products used by general consumers. In addition, there can be a wish for tests on, for example, residual current circuit breakers, plug sockets and wiring cables.

Filer från huvudupphandlingen

Namn Filstorlek
EU-bek. - The Danish Safety - Offentliggjort.pdf 156 KB
Annex C1 - Tender list - Toys.xlsx 22 KB
Annex C2 - Tender list - Products incl. child care prod..xlsx 22 KB
Annex C3 - Tender list - LVD, Electrical equipment.xlsx 22 KB
Annex C4 - Tender list - Gas products.xlsx 22 KB
Annex C5 - Tender list - Pyrotechnic articles.xlsx 22 KB
Annex C6 - Tender list - Solariums.xlsx 22 KB
Annex D - Declaration - Obligations of the legislation.pdf 15 KB
Annex E - European Single Procurement Document.pdf 1,42 MB
Bilag F - Referenceliste.docx 22 KB
Tender Document - Laboratory services - SIK.pdf 113 KB
Annex A - Contract Lab.services.pdf 47 KB
Annex B1 - Requirements - Toys.pdf 47 KB
Annex B2 - Requirements - Products including child care products.pdf 47 KB
Annex B3 - Requirements - LVD, EL-articles.pdf 48 KB
Annex B4 - Requirements - Gas products.pdf 52 KB
Annex B6 - Requirements - Solariums.pdf 49 KB
Annex B5 - Requirements - Pyrotechnic articles.pdf 53 KB

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