Project Manager — services for Program Status Evaluation — Regional restructuring.


Öppet förfarande
2016-02-04 09:23 (GMT+01:00)
2016-03-15 12:00


Innovasjon Norge (Innovation Norway) Innovasjon Norge (Innovation Norway)
Anne Helgesen
Akersgata 13
0158 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Innovasjon Norge is seeking four project managers for the implementation of Program Status Evaluation for municipalities that have restructuring status, and hereby invite tenderers to a national competition without negotiations.

About Regional restructuring.

Restructuring and innovation are a challenge for industry, local community and regions. Changes in the industry and the business structure are both necessary and natural, and should be actively stimulated through innovation. The main challenge in the restructuring work is to create a broad local understanding and mobilisation that can result in positive restructuring processes in the relevant area. Innovasjon Norge has been a quality controller, advisor and supervisor of the government restructuring and innovation funds since 1992. Our background experience is through restructuring work in approx 80 municipalities/regions.

Innovasjon Norge is given the role of National Competence Centre for local restructuring work and on behalf of the county municipalities is responsible for quality control and follow up of the government funds in restructuring projects. This involves close cooperation with the board and the administration of the restructuring organisation, the political management in the municipality/region and the county municipalities' industry departments. Innovasjon Norge is currently involved in between 25 — 30 local/regional restructuring programs. The programme durations vary from 3 to 6 years. Innovasjon Norge's working model and tools for regional restructuring as well as ongoing restructuring programme, are further described on our home page

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