The purchase of a fire and rescue vehicle.


Öppet förfarande
2015-11-25 10:05 (GMT+01:00)
2016-01-15 12:00


Drammensregionens Brannvesen IKS (The Drammen Region Fire Brigade) Drammensregionens Brannvesen IKS (The Drammen Region Fire Brigade)
Procurement Procurement
Ole Henrik Fjeld
Langes gate 11
3044 Drammen
984 054 408

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The tender contest involves the procurement of 1 fire and rescue vehicle with equipment. See Part 2a, requirement specifications, for further information.

The contracting authority shall have option for the delivery of an additional equivalent vehicle. If the option is released, this shall take place 12 months, at the latest, subsequent to the delivery of the 1st vehicle.

The procurement's value is estimated to 7 000 000 NOK excluding VAT. The volume is estimated based on statistics and the accounting figures for the procurement of equivalent products for the same buyer group for previous years, as well as future budgets. The value must therefore be considered an estimate and is not binding.

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