Treatment/ / final disposal of sludge.


Öppet förfarande
2015-11-12 09:40 (GMT+01:00)
2015-12-14 12:00


Aurskog-Høland kommune (municipality) Aurskog-Høland kommune (municipality)
Jane Brit Løland
Rådhusveien 3
1940 Bjørkelangen
948 164 256

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Aurskog-Høland kommune requires a new supplier for the service of treatment and final disposal of sludge.

Annual sludge quantity in 2014 was:

— From Bjørkelangen Treatment Plant 1 239 tonne with an average TS of approximately 28 %.

— From Løken Treatment Plant 563 tonne with an average TS of approximately 23 %.

Total maximum tonnage week in 2014: approximately 53 tonne.

Total average week in 2014: approximately 34 tonne.

It is expected that the tenderer will receive the sludge Aurskog-Høland kommune delivers regardless of the TS or quantity and that the delivery can occur in normal work time, and some hours beyond this in circumstances where this is necessary. The sludge shall be weighed on a certified scale at the treatment plant.

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