Filters and service for a ventilation systems — framework agreement for the BTV co-operation.


Öppet förfarande
2015-09-19 09:45 (GMT+02:00)
2015-10-27 10:00


BTV Innkjøp BTV Innkjøp
BTV Innkjøp BTV Innkjøp
Karl Petter Kristiansen Karl Petter Kristiansen
Hauges gate 89
3019 Drammen
964 951 373

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

A framework agreement shall be procured for ‘filters and service for ventilation installations’ on behalf of the participating entities in the BTV-cooperation.

The competition is for a contract for the delivery of:

1) Air filters, inspection, service and filter changes, including any options (complete);

2) Inspections and service, including and options (mechanical);

3) Filters with or without filter changes (filter).

The contract value is estimated to: 10 000 000 NOK excluding VAT per annum.

The volume is estimated based on statistics and the accounting figures for the procurement of equivalent products for the same buyer group for previous years, as well as future budgets. The volume must therefore be considered a suggestion and is not binding.

See part 2a, requirement specifications, for further information.

Tenderers shall fill in the price form as well as the price matrix below. Prices shall be given excluding VAT, but they shall include all the supplier's other costs (fees, delivery, packaging, travel expenses, assembly, freight, remuneration and all other cost elements). The tenderer's discount percentage for materials for the remaining assortment shall also be given.

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