Vented Chest Dressing


02 - Meddelande Om Upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2015-05-29 16:31 (GMT+02:00)
2015-07-08 13:00 (GMT+02:00)


Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse
Morten Jacobsen Morten Jacobsen
Lautrupbjerg 1
2750 Ballerup

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO), wishes to acquire 7.000 vented chest dressings, with an option to acquire additional 3.500 vented chest dressings, for initial treatment of penetrating chest trauma (pneumothorax). 

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
Instructions to Tenderers Vented Chest Dressings.docx 102 KB
Requirements specification Vented Chest Dressings.docx 49 KB
DALO Terms and conditions for TRADE vented chest dressings.docx 98 KB
Consoritum Declaration Template.docx 15 KB
Solemn declaration regarding debt to public authorities template.docx 67 KB
Cover Letter (template) - Vented Chest Dressings.docx 35 KB

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