Procurement of an IT tool for assessing and developing the quality of 6th form training for the counties.


Öppet förfarande
2015-05-09 09:52 (GMT+02:00)
2015-06-16 10:00


BTV Innkjøp BTV Innkjøp
BTV Innkjøp BTV Innkjøp
Karl Petter Kristiansen Karl Petter Kristiansen
Hauges gate 89
3019 Drammen
964 951 373

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The contest concerns the delivery of IT tools for assessment and development in the quality of further education for the regional governments listed as participants.

The objective of the procurement/framework agreement is to secure for the Regional Governments an IT tool for assessment and development of the quality in further education. The value of the procurement is estimated to be 9 500 000 NOK excluding VAT per year. The value of the agreement will vary from year to year and there is no obligation on the Contracting Authority.

See part 2a, specifications for further information.

Tenderers shall fill in the price matrix below. All prices shall be quoted excluding VAT, but include all of the tenderer's other costs (operation, support, user support, fees, training, installation, approval and the like). Travel time to and from assignments is not covered. Other travel ordered by, or agreed in advance with the Contracting Authority, documented travel and accommodation expenses will be compensated in accordance with government rates. The cheapest means of travel must be used. Any requirement for own involvement in the development work from the Regional government should be clearly stated. Third party costs shall be included.

Tenderer shall reply to questions in the answer boxes set up by the Contracting Authority. Replies which only refer to attachments will be given a zero character.

To the extent attachments are used, this should be references to figures, tables, CVs, lists, drawings or similar information that cannot be properly described in text.

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