Framework agreement for technical consulting services.


Selektivt förfarande
2015-02-20 04:38 (GMT+01:00)
2015-03-19 14:00


Vennesla kommune Vennesla kommune
Odin Prosjekt v/Jon Fredrik Skjerve (ekstern rådgiver) Odin Prosjekt v/Jon Fredrik Skjerve (ekstern rådgiver)
Venneslamoen 1
4701 Vennesla

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The procurement will cover the contracting authority's need for various types of technical consulting.

The contracting authority has set tentative plans in its budgets for:

— Alterations and/or new buildings of nurseries, schools and sports centres.

— Development of various types of housing with day-centres and cloakrooms.

— Alterations of various municipal buildings.

— Major investments within water and sewage.

— Major regulation work.

In addition there can be new buildings to a major or minor degree during the contract period.

The projects will vary in extent and complexity.

The framework agreement is for eight different professional areas. A contract shall be signed with at least 3 service providers within each contract area provided that there are a sufficient number of suitable service providers and tenders.

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