Grinda recycling station.


Öppet förfarande
2015-02-17 04:38 (GMT+01:00)
2015-03-27 13:00


Larvik Kommune Larvik Kommune
Kjetil Fevik
Feyersgate 7
3256 Larvik

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The construction of a new recycling station, including up-grading of road and infrastructure.

The up-grading of an access road, including a new roundabout. New vehicle scales, including a new scale house with an area of 60 m2. The establishment of a new recycling station with an area of 545 m2. The recycling station shall contain a covered ramp for sorting containers. A new Water and Sewage system, including an extender depot and pumping station.

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