Nationwide framework agreement laboratory services.


Öppet förfarande
2015-01-24 04:47 (GMT+01:00)
2015-03-06 12:00


Forsvarsbygg Innkjøpstjenester Forsvarsbygg Innkjøpstjenester
Oddgeir Ekerhovd
6. divisjonsgate 12
9406 Harstad

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Kort beskrivning

The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency c/o Futura Environment Department needs to establish a framework agreement for analyses. This applies for laboratory analyses of:

— Soil, water and sediment samples (main volume),

— Dust, air and microbiological samples,

— Building materials.

The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency manages and disposes (sells/demolishes/clears) property, buildings and sites (EBA) for the Norwegian armed forces. The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency carries out environmental surveys of the soil, water, sediment, building materials, waste and the flora and fauna associated with the properties. The aim of the surveys is to confirm any pollution that requires measures at and/or monitoring of the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency's properties. The focus is that the assignments are to be solved in accordance with the current relevant rules and laws, in particular the Pollution Act, the pollution regulations, the waste regulations, the water regulations and other relevant regulations, as well as other public guidelines (the list is not exhaustive).

The laboratory can also be asked to interpret types of oil and the degree of decomposition for oil products, via a chromatogram.

The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency operates several air stations and is responsible for following-up emission permits. As a result of this the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency monitors the pollution situation both as regards de-icing chemicals, heavy metals and oil pollution that can occur in the operation of the air stations that have a military part, and sometimes a civilian part. These are air stations where the drainage can potentially effect vunerable recipients such as drinking water, ground water and/or RAMSAR areas.

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