RFI - Sales and seat reservation


2014-12-18 22:12 (GMT+01:00)


Bjørn Embretsen Bjørn Embretsen
Schweigaards gate 23
0048 Oslo
984 661 177

Kort beskrivning

NSB Persontog (NSB Passenger Train Division) has a sales and seat reservation solution serving customers and employees through several channels. The central systems are LISA (sales engine) and Plass90 (seat reservation), extended over many years, with additional functions as a result of new needs and opportunities.

NSB Persontog has now initiated an analysis to decide on systems that will be optimal for present and future needs. Currently, NSB Persontog is open to different models, where the procurement of complete suites, procurement of modules to integrate with existing solutions, further development of existing solutions, etc. are some of the options. It may be feasible to replace only Plass90 (seat reservation) and refurbish and develop LISA (sales engine) with new features.

NSB Persontog invites potential vendors to provide information on possible solutions. The information provided will be non-binding and will only be used as input to decide on future direction and produce an RFP (Request for Proposal). All information will be treated in confidence.

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
RFI.%20Attachment%20A.%20Description%20of%20as-is%20and%20target.pdf 1,91 MB
RFI.%20%20Attachment%20B.%20%20Information%20to%20be%20provided.docx 97 KB
RFI.%20Cover%20letter.pdf 205 KB

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