Fleet management, repair and maintenance services


Öppet förfarande
2014-11-29 04:27 (GMT+01:00)


Geir Strømland
Postboks 8134 Forus
4069 Stavanger

Kort beskrivning

IVAR IKS, 871035032, Postboks 8134 Forus, For the attention of: Geir Strømland, Stavanger, 4069, NORWAY. Telephone: +47 51908500. E-mail: geir.stromland@ivar.no

(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 5.11.2014, 2014/S 213-378198)

2014/S 231-408147


CPV:50111000, 50100000, 50112000, 50112300, 75112000, 66114000

Fleet management, repair and maintenance services

Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment

Repair and maintenance services of cars

Car-washing and similar services

Administrative services for business operations

Financial leasing services

Incomplete procedureThe contract has not been awardedThe contract may be the object of a re-publication

Other additional information

The contest has been cancelled.

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