Eiganes School — smithery E08.


Öppet förfarande
2014-10-11 04:32 (GMT+02:00)
2014-11-17 12:00


Stavanger kommune964965226 Stavanger kommune964965226
Stavanger property — Stavanger municipality Stavanger property — Stavanger municipality
Therese Øvernes
Olav Kyrresgt 23
4068 Stavanger

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The new building Eiganes school shall include Eiganes school (1st - 7th years) with a separate department for autistics (ESA), the French School and a local environment centre. The building has two floors + a technical room and a ceiling light construction on the roof — total approx. 7 080 m². The new building shall be connected to the existing administration building by a footbridge.

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