Road- and railway truck


Förhandlat förfarande
2014-08-26 08:49 (GMT+02:00)


Bybanen AS Bybanen AS
Karina Størksen Karina størksen
Agnes Mowinckels gate 6
5020 Bergen

Kort beskrivning

Bybanen AS will procure the following:

Road and railway truck with following characteristics:

General car:

• Diesel power. Waste Approved for tunneling.

• Top speed road: ≥ 60km / h

• Min. two seats including the driver

• Based on the chassis with short wheelbase

• Hitch front and rear

• Comes in accordance with EU requirements for registration of motor vehicles

• Satisfy European standards

Rail operation:

• Traction: Total Weight in 7% gradient

• Track width 1435mm

• Operation of rail wheels

• Must meet the relevant requirements BoStrab

• Points steering Hanning & Kahl compatible.

• ATS-industrial complex BBR PZB-600M

• Minimum turning radius of 20m.

• Wheel Profile:

See drawing PE-1200123-EC-4006-4

• Wheelbase (back to back):

1383 -1 / +2 mm


•Hydraulic snow brushes

•Adjustable plow

•De-icing equipment for contact line

•Single high pressure flushing system

•Cranes with capacity of about 1500 kg / 10m

•Cabinet for storage of equipment and tools, shovels and straps etc.

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