Framework agreement- Washing machine for wash and disinfection of self contained breathing apparatus


02 - Meddelande Om Upphandling
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2014-07-25 13:12 (GMT+02:00)
2014-09-04 14:00 (GMT+02:00)


Beredskabsstyrelsen Beredskabsstyrelsen
Mikkel Bjerregaard Jensen Mikkel Bjerregaard Jensen

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Danish Emergency Management Agency is calling for tenders for framework agreement regarding "washing machine for wash and disinfection of self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)" for the entire Danish fire and rescue service.

The Danish Emergency Management Agency has allocated 1 million DKK to spend on washing machines for wash and disinfection of self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), and will guarantee to buy these machines from the winning supplier to the price offered in the price list. The maximum number of washing machines to be bought will be 15, if the price for all 15 is under 1 million DKK.

The Danish Emergency Management Agency is responsible for and will implement the tender process on behalf of all customers and is the contracting authority.

The Danish Emergency Management Agency and all other authorities under the Danish Ministry of Defence may place orders via the framework agreements.

The Danish municipal fire and rescue services, which have confirmed to the Danish Emergency Management Agency that they wish to place orders via the framework agreements tendered by the Danish Emergency Management Agency, are original parties to the framework agreement and are permitted to order via this framework agreement. The municipal fire and rescue services that have confirmed that they wish to be customers are listed in appendix 3. Customers will have to place orders independently via the agreement.

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
Appendix 2 - Tender form.docx 153 KB
Appendix 3 - Requesters under the Framework Agreement.pdf 249 KB
Appendix A - Declaration of honour.docx 23 KB
Appendix B - Form for financial ratios.docx 24 KB
Framework Agreement.pdf 363 KB
Questions and Answers.docx 62 KB
Tender Conditions.pdf 520 KB
Appendix 1.1 -Requirement specifications.docx 162 KB

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