Lease of two BIBER bridges.


Tilldelning av kontrakt utan att ett meddelande om upphandling först offentliggjorts i Europeiska unionens officiella tidning
2014-07-09 09:07 (GMT+02:00)


The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics organization (DALO) The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics organization (DALO)
Tanja Goth-Eriksen Tanja Goth-Eriksen
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup


DALO wishes to lease two BIBER bridges for a period of approximately two years. The BIBER bridges must be fully operational with a military load class (MLC) of minimum 50/60. The BIBER bridges will be used on the Danish Army's existing BIBER bridge layer tanks.

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