Helium liquifier system.


2014-06-26 08:34 (GMT+02:00)


Aarhus Universitet Aarhus Universitet
Indkøb Indkøb
Lasse Krongaard Lasse Krongaard
Fuglesangs Allé 26
8210 Århus V


Aarhus University, Dept. of Chemistry and iNANO Center, intends to procure a helium liquifier system as an upgrade for an LOT-QuantumDesign PPMS. While its main function will be with said PPMS, the liquifier is further intended to support helijet applications (sample cooling) on the X-ray diffractometers commanded by the department. It is therefore a mobile unit. The liquefaction rate should be ca. 22 L/day. The system generally includes:

— Cryocooler and compressor.

— Production and storage dewar (160 L).

— Control computer and harness.

— Touch screen panel.

— Wheel set, access ports to helium.

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