E 39 Flatøy central reservations.


Öppet förfarande
2014-05-14 04:31 (GMT+02:00)
2014-07-01 12:00


Statens vegvesen Region vest971032081 Statens vegvesen Region vest971032081
arne.solheim@vegvesen.no arne.solheim@vegvesen.no
Arne Solheim
Askedalen 4
6863 Leikanger

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The project is a traffic safety project where the existing road shall be expanded so as to make room for a central reservation and longitudinal foot/cycle path.

The project starts at profile 380 and will end at approx. profile 1700 by the Hagelsund bridge.

At the mixing plant the current junction shall be altered to a split level junction.

The current bridge to Hjelten shall be demolished and replaced by a new and longer bridge that is suitable for a future 4 lane road.

The subway at Framo is to be kept and reinforced, but a foot/cycle path bridge shall be established close to the subway on the west side.

The steel agricultural subway at approx. profile 920 is to be extended on both sides. A noise reduction mound shall be constructed on the east side and the subway shall also go through this.

The steel subway, at approx. profile 1250 shall be replaced to a subway constructed from prefabricated concrete elements of 3.5 x 3.5m dimension.

The existing concrete subway at profile 1510 shall be replaced by a new and larger subway in concrete cast on site with a width of 5m.

In addition noise reduction screens shall be constructed along parts of the lot, and noise reduction measures shall be carried out on buildings.

The blasting volume is approx. 90000 tfm3.

The current annual traffic count is approx. 15000.

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