Aluminum- and glass / window work.


Förhandlat förfarande
2014-05-06 04:23 (GMT+02:00)
2014-06-03 13:00


Actus Rådgivning AS993274992 Actus Rådgivning AS993274992
PB 254
4097 Sola

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Avinor AS shall extend the terminal building at Stavanger Airport Sola with approx. 2 700 m². About 950 m² is an extension and reconstruction of the ground floor baggage system area, approx. 1.290 m² for passengers and commercial use in 1st floor and the rest is allocated to technical equipment rooms.

The baggage sorting system and passenger area is located airside and residue areas on landside. The ground floor outer wall airside is a concrete construction with reinforced concrete elements. 1st floor outer wall is made of frameworks and window areas. The landside extension is erected as steel framework with timber frames. The construction work is being performed while the airport is in operation.

The scope of this contract comprises the aluminum and glass / window work. Contract award is planned to take place primo September 2014. Preliminary plan for site execution is from Nov. 19th to Dec. 30th 2014.

The contract shall include an optional additional delivery of until 50 % of the initial contract value covering parts of the potential next extension of the central terminal area (USO T1). This extension is planned to be executed in sequential phases. In summary, – this contract comprises the first phase extension (TUSO) + an option for parts of the first next phase (USO T1).

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