E01 – Preliminary works.


Öppet förfarande
2014-05-06 04:23 (GMT+02:00)
2014-06-10 12:00


Jernbaneverket971 033 533 Jernbaneverket971 033 533
Tone Helén Brodal
Fagernesveien 3, 4. etg
8514 Narvik

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Rombak station is the middle of 5 stations on the Ofot railway between Narvik and the Swedish border. The station is 20.8 km measured from the Fagernes terminal in Narvik and approx. 21.1 km from the Swedish border. Contract E01 is for parts of the ground work/substructure for an extension to Rombak passing loop on the stretch 20.460 km - 22.200 km. This includes an expansion of the rock cuttings along the western part of the station area including transport the mass. The contract includes using the mass for the construction of site roads as well as the necessary filling expansion in the eastern part of the station area.

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