County road 867/county road 125 the Bjarkøy connection contract 1.


Öppet förfarande
2014-04-16 04:37 (GMT+02:00)
2014-05-28 12:00


Statens vegvesen Region nord971032081 Statens vegvesen Region nord971032081
Project Department Project Department
Ole Sollid
Fjordgt. 5
9405 Harstad

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Troms county and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration would like to construct an underwater tunnel, sea fillings with 4 bridges and a road in the open air for the establishment of a ferry free connection between Grytøy, Sandsøy and Bjarkøy municipalities. The underwater tunnel will go under Kvernsundet and it will connect Grytøy and Bjarkøy together. A new road shall be constructed on Grytøy between the existing ferry quay at Vikran and the tunnel collaring. The road will then go on Grytøy down towards Tjeldvika where sea fillings are to be established over Sandsøysundet. A road is to be established on Bjarkøy from the tunnel collaring to the existing county road 867.

Sea fillings shall be constructed between Grytøy and Sandsøy that shall be prepared for the construction of four bridges that, together, shall connection these two islands together. The bridges and electro works will be announced in a separate competition. Sea fillings to the existing road shall be established on Sandsøy.

A total of approx. 6.5 km new road shall be constructed. This is divided between approx. 3.2 km underwater tunnel, approx. 2 km road on Grytøy, approx. 200 m road on Bjarkøy, 400 m road on Sandsøy and sea fillings with a total of approx. 0.9 km. The tunnel construction (T8.5) also includes portals.

Stones from the borrow pit and tunnel shall be used to construct the sea fillings. The sea fillings are divided between 5 fillings, 3 of which cannot be reached from land. The contractor must use sea tools (lathes) for contour line -2. The builder presumes that the contractor uses excavating equipment above contour line -2.

Consideration must also be given to the fact that the equipment for filling above contour line -2 must be transported between the islands. All pitching stones for the sea fillings shall be taken from the borrow pit on Grytøy (Fenes), the contractor must apply for permission to blast for pitching stones. Tunnel stones shall preferably be used in the sea fillings. The sea filling shall be taken over by the bridge contractor in accordance with the deadline in chapter A3 point 3. Furthermore, there will be requirements regarding the completion dates for the tunnel and sea fillings. See C4 point 4.

Complete high voltage and separate pipes for electro shall be laid thoughout the entire project. Including earthing.

Requirement to UE: Drawing pipes, earthing and street light foundations shall be delivered and assembled by electro installors registered in DSB.

The contractor must build the project in such a way that transgressions and a longer construction period are avoided.

Amounts for the main works.

— Blasting rock matter open air road: 56 345 pfm3

— Blasting rock matter tunnel: 263 000 pfm3

— Rock matter for stone filling: 429 000 pfm3

— Rock matter for depot/storage: 90 000 pfm3

— Soil for depot: 3 000 pfm3

— Soil for ground levelling: 1 000 pfm3

— Reinforcement layer 2: (stone filling): 6 000 pfm3

— Reinforcement layer 1: (0-32/10-100): 5 500 pfm3

— Asphalt sub-base: 33 000 M2

— Asphalt wearing course: 33 000 M2

— Portals (2)

– Portal Grytøy: Approx. 10 m,

– Portal Bjarkøy: Approx. 20 m.

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