Region Sjælland, Alleen 15, Region Sjælland KU Byg, For the attention of: Henrik Bendix Olsen, Sorø, 4180, DENMARK. Telephone: +45 57875301. Fax: +45 57875299. E-mail:
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 16.4.2014, 2014/S 75-129465)
2015/S 035-059272
CPV:37400000, 37410000, 37461500, 37440000, 37441300, 37535200, 43325000
Sports goods and equipment
Outdoor sports equipment
Tennis tables
Fitness equipments
Stationary bicycles
Playground equipment
Park and playground equipment
Incomplete procedureThe awarding procedure has been discontinued
Other additional information
Region Sjælland har valgt at annullere nærværende udbud.
Begrundelsen for at annullere udbuddet er, at der ved tilbudsfristens udløb ikke var indkommet tilbud.