Electro technical services - Terminal, pier and train station.


Förhandlat förfarande
2014-04-12 04:39 (GMT+02:00)
2014-05-16 12:00


Oslo Lufthavn AS965368248 Oslo Lufthavn AS965368248
Kjetil Skoglund Ask
Sentrallageret, Edvard Munchs veg
2060 Gardermoen

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The framework contract comprises electro technical services in connection with smaller new construction, modifications, preventative and corrective maintenance on Terminal, Pier and Train Station for Oslo Airport (OSL). The building complex subject to the contract is approximately 140.000 square meters and will be towards 2017 expanded with a further 117 000 square meters.

In addition it may be necessary to utilise the agreement for works on OSL's other areas (the operations area) and for the FU department (Airport Development).

The electro section is responsible for the operations and maintenance of all of the electro technical installations at OSL Gardermoen.

The supplier must expect to be a managed parallel contractor (i.e. in connection/assignment with other contractors, coordinated by others/Contractor).

From experience electro technical services will be purchased equivalent to approximately 5 years work per year. Of this approximately 1/2 years work has been on the Train station, or Terminal and Pier. Forecasts of the supply volume are uncertain in the new framework agreements validity period.

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