General contract Finsalhagen welfare centre.


Öppet förfarande
2014-04-04 04:34 (GMT+02:00)
2014-05-12 12:00


Hamar kommune970540008 Hamar kommune970540008
Helge Sundstrøm Haugen
Postboks 4063
2306 Hamar

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Hamar municipality invite tenderers to an open tender competition for a general contract for Finsalhagen welfare centre.

A new welfare centre shall be constructed in the garden towards the south below the existing Finsal Centre, situated in Hamar municipality. There shall be, amongst other things, 14 nursing home places and 28 sheltered accommodation flats with twenty four hour staffing with the accompanying communal functions, outside areas and a connection (culvert) to the Finsal Centre.

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