Tender for an operational contract 1604 forest clearance south 2014-2018, reference no.2014/032824.


Öppet förfarande
2014-04-02 04:36 (GMT+02:00)
2014-05-26 14:00


Statens vegvesen Region midt971032081 Statens vegvesen Region midt971032081
The Operational Section in Sør Trøndelag The Operational Section in Sør Trøndelag
Statens vegvesen
7290 Støren

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The assignment consists of mechanical and manual forest clearance, on national roads, national foot and cycle paths, county roads and county foot and cycle paths with the accompanying side installations, side areas, equipment and installations in Oppdal, Rennebu and parts of Midtre Gauldal municipalities in accordance with the road list given in chapter D2-V1.

The work will be settled by unit price and as calculation work in accordance with hourly rates for crew.

The contract is for the period 1.8.2014 – 31.8.2018 for all the described assignments.

The builder has the option of extending the contract by 12 months, from 1.9.2018 to 31.8.2019.

The road network included in this assignment (including arms and ramps) consists of:

357.801 km roads in total

of which

141.587 km national roads

18.208 km national foot/cycle paths

197.233 km county roads Sør-Trøndelag

0.773 km county foot/cycle paths Sør-Trøndelag

The traffic on the road network varies from approx. ADT 40 to approx. ADT 15000, and an annual traffic growth is expected of approx. 1.5 %.

The assignment mainly consists of mechanical and manual forest clearance with associated works. The assignment also consists of planning the activity, documentation, reporting to the builder.

From 1st September 2015

national road 70, county 16 Hp 03, km 4,310 – km 9,087

national road 70, county 15 Hp 01, km 0 - km 2,003

will be taken out of 1604 Forest clearance south 2014-2018 and added to the operational contract 1505/1506 Inner Nordmøre.

The builder will also have other operation/maintenance contracts for the same road network as that covered by the contract. Examples of works that will be included in other such contracts are:

— contract with operational and maintenance works;

— works connected to electrical installations;

— road markings;

— laying covers;

— railings;

— sign renewal;

— rock protection;

— cutting back edges;

— trade contract tunnel – cleaning;

— trade contract tunnel - electro.

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