Aviation Liability Insurance.


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2014-03-21 10:26 (GMT+01:00)


Naviair26059763 Naviair26059763
Naviair Naviair
Charlotte Perch Hellinghus Charlotte Hellinghus
Naviair Allé 1
2770 Kastrup

Kort beskrivning

This notice is to indicate that the Swedish and Danish Air Navigation Service Providers LFV (Sweden) and Naviair (Denmark) intend to create a Qualification System for the prequalification and registration of insurance companies for the purpose of awarding contracts for a common Aviation Liability Insurance. The insurance cover required is protection against LFV and Naviair and their associated and subsidiary companies' legal liability arising from the provision of Air Navigation Services and therewith associated activities. The Qualification System will cover both Leading Insurers and insurance companies who offers support behind a Leading Insurer.

Prequalification of interested applicants will be handled/administered by the insurance broker Willis.

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