EIGE's RDC — Collection of gender equality policy documentation and grey literature in 10 EU Member States.


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2014-10-16 04:05 (GMT+02:00)


European Institute for Gender Equality European Institute for Gender Equality
Ms Vera Zazvonov
Gedimino pr. 16
01103 Vilnius


The subject of the contract is collecting gender equality policy documents and grey literature from Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia and Finland. The documents are to be collected, organised, catalogued, shipped and placed in EIGE's Resource & Documentation Centre (RDC), in Vilnius, Lithuania, in order to be searchable on EIGE's RDC online http://eige.europa.eu/rdc and physically available in EIGE's RDC specialised library in Vilnius. The collections should cover the period 1995–2015.

EIGE currently owns licences for the ILS Aleph and the discovery and delivery solution Primo. The solution implemented by the contractor should be fully compatible with the EIGE's current systems.

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: EIGE/201/OPER/03

Lot title: EIGE's RDC — Collection of gender equality policy documentation and grey literature in 10 EU Member States

V.1) Date of contract award decision:


V.2) Information about offers

Number of offers received: 2

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Studio Come SRL, via del Giuba 9, 00199 Rome RM, ITALY

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