Framework agreement for digital services.


Öppet förfarande
2014-04-12 04:39 (GMT+02:00)


Statens Pensjonskasse Statens Pensjonskasse
Petter Eggan
Slemdalsveien 37
0373 Oslo


The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund shall procure a framework agreement for digital services. The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund would like to enter into a framework agreement with 3 service providers.

The framework agreement will be valid from when it is signed for a period of 2 years, with an option for the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund to extend the contract for 1 + 1 year.

The contract will include maintenance and development of the contracting authority's internal and external internet based services.

Internet based services mean, amongst other things:

The contracting authority's homepage with both open and password protected services (EPiServer);


Statistics and web analysis;

Strategic communication and design services connected to internet based services;

Internal interaction systems;

Intranet (EPiServer);

Trade portals (EPiServer).

For self-developed, password protected systems, the chosen technology for user interface systems is based on EPiServer. The architecture is based on a split running environment. The front end application runs in EPiServer, which is based on the Microsoft/Windows platform and the back end runs on the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund's JBoss/Java platform The communication between the front end and the back end occurs via Web Services. The administration and development of back end on the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund's JBoss/Java platform will be carried out by the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund. There is no option to submit tenders for only a part of the assignment. Service providers can, however, use sub suppliers to fulfil parts of the services. The total service provider must have digital competence within a number of areas, which as strategic consultancy, concept development and design, content strategy, technical development, implementation and support, and have the ability to offer a relieving and efficient work process. The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund uses flexible methodology in its development. The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund emphasises having cooperation partners with documented experience and good results from similar contracts.

Section V: Award of contract

Lot title: Framework agreement for digital services

V.1) Date of contract award decision:


V.2) Information about offers

Number of offers received by electronic means: 2

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Epinova AS, Postboks 8790 Youngstorget, 0028 Oslo, NORWAY

Lot title: Framework agreement for digital services

V.1) Date of contract award decision:


V.2) Information about offers

Number of offers received by electronic means: 2

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Telephone: Fax: Making Waves AS, Kristian IVs gate 13, 0164 Oslo, NORWAY +47 48106199 +47 22206021

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