Floor and wall covering work


Selektivt förfarande
2014-01-11 04:06 (GMT+01:00)


Arena CPHX P/S Arena CPHX P/S
Christian Spang-Thomsen Christian Spang-Thomsen, Construction Manager
c/o Realdania, Jamers Plads
1551 København

Kort beskrivning

Arena CPHX P/S, c/o Realdania, Jamers Plads, For the attention of: Christian Spang-Thomsen, Construction Manager, København, 1551, DENMARK. Telephone: +45 70116666. E-mail: e-17@arenacphx.dk

(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 8.11.2013, 2013/S 217-376984)

2014/S 008-008775


CPV:45430000, 45212000, 45200000, 45000000, 45212171, 45432130, 39833000

Floor and wall covering work

Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants

Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work

Construction work

Entertainment centre construction work

Floor-covering work

Anti-dust products

Incomplete procedureThe awarding procedure has been discontinuedThe contract may be the object of a re-publication

Other additional information

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Ordretildelingsproceduren er blevet afbrudt.

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