Acquisition of a Thermal ionization mass spectrometer, model Phoenix.


Tilldelning av kontrakt utan att ett meddelande om upphandling först offentliggjorts i Europeiska unionens officiella tidning
2013-01-16 04:13 (GMT+01:00)


University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen
Jan Joensen Jan Joensen
Nørregade 10
1017 København K


The instrument is a replacement of a 20 year old TIMS, model VG Sector 54 IT. Servicing and spare part purchase has become increasingly difficult. Collector instabilities have been increasing and collector efficiencies have been decreasing significantly over the last few years. A new generation TIMS will significantly improve the scientific quality of isotope data predominantly used in geoscience research. The facility is embedded within University of Copenhagen and has an open access strategy/status for researchers affiliated with the partners of University of Copenhagen.

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