2012/1018 Anskaffelse av fluoresensemåler/portable PAM chlorophyll fluorometer


2012-12-03 15:21 (GMT+01:00)
2013-01-14 10:00 (GMT+01:00)
2013-01-07 15:00 (GMT+01:00)
2013-01-14 10:00 (GMT+01:00)


Bioforsk Bioforsk
Børge Jensen Børge Jensen
Fredrik A. Dahls vei 20A
1432 ÅS

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Kort beskrivning

The Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Bioforsk, is a research institute with expert knowledge at a high international level within agriculture, food production, plant health, environment and resource management. Bioforsk focuses on research based innovation with sustainability being the basis for all work carried out at Bioforsk. The institute consists of seven research centers with approx. 450 employees and divisions throughout the country. Bioforsk, hereinafter called the Employer, is organized as an administrative body with special authorization under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAF).

Bioforsk Nord Bodø has cultivation of macroalgae and industrial applications as main focus. This document describes our need for a portable PAM chlorophyll fluorometer with optoelectronics, software and additional equipment.

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