Panum - construction 03, Shell.


Selektivt förfarande
2012-10-02 08:49 (GMT+02:00)
2012-11-05 12:00


Bygningsstyrelsen Bygningsstyrelsen
Marianne Røder Lauridsen Marianne Røder Lauridsen
Carl Jacobsens Vej 39
2500 Valby

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Panum complex’s extension consists of the construction of 42 000 m2 university complex for teaching and research purposes.

The building mass consists of a 18 000 m2 ‘base’ including entrance hall, canteen, auditoriums, classrooms and technician- and service facilities and a 24 000 m2 science tower of 14 floors including laboratories, offices and common areas.

03) Basic construction: The basic construction consists of a basement base-plate, a tower with an in-situ deck and walls with element pillars, both casted on site and element constructions for low buildings, and construction steel for building of roofs on low buildings. Furthermore, the basic construction includes work on soil and sewers and a sheltered delivery area, as well as foundation and supporting walls on terrain. Excavation work is ongoing by another contractor with an estimated end date March 1, 2013. Construction 03 Basic Construction starts on the completion of the excavation.

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