Section V: Award of contract
Contract No: 1
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Accenture, Arne Jakobsens Allé 15, 2300 København S, DENMARK, +45 72288272
Contract No: 2
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Alectia A/S, Teknikerbyen 34, 2830 Virum, DENMARK, +45 88191000
Contract No: 3
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Center For Ledelse, Folke Bernadottes Allé 45, 2100 København Ø, DENMARK, +45 87302106
Contract No: 4
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: COK, Schacksgade 39, 5000 Odense C, DENMARK, +45 23373182
Contract No: 5
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Connector Management A/S (Konsortium) Skodsborgvej 188, 2850 Nærum, DENMARK, +45 44943300
Contract No: 6
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Core-Team A/S, Stevnsvej 101, 4600 Køge, DENMARK, +45 56260246
Contract No: 7
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: COWI A/S, Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, DENMARK, +45 23422242
Contract No: 8
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab, Weidekampsgade 6, 2300 København S, DENMARK, +45 36102030
Contract No: 9
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Devoteam Consulting A/S, Lautrupsgade 13, 2100 København Ø, DENMARK, +45 20450700
Contract No: 10
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Ernst & YoungGyngemose Parkvej 502860Sø 51582539
Contract No: 11
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Gartner Danmark ApS, Øster Allé 56 7, 2100 København Ø, DENMARK, +45 45586400
Contract No: 12
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Grontmij A/S, Granskoven 8, 2600 Glostrup, DENMARK, +45 43486454
Contract No: 13
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Implement Consulting Group P/S, Slotsmarken 16, 2970 Hørsholm, DENMARK, +45 30858005
Contract No: 14
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab, Osvald Helmuths Vej 4, 2000 Frederiksberg, DENMARK, +45 25293851
Contract No: 15
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: McKinsey & Company DenmarkVed Stranden 141061København
Contract No: 16
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Mercuri Urval A/S, Philip Heymans Alle 29, 2900 Hellerup, DENMARK, +45 60896436
Contract No: 17
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Oxford Research A/S, Falkoner Allé 20, 4. sal, 2000 Frederiksberg, DENMARK, +45 33691317
Contract No: 18
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: PA Consulting Group, Tuborg Boulevard 5, 2900 Hellerup, DENMARK, +45 40905584
Contract No: 19
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Plus Leadership A/S (Pluss Leadership-Epinion-Orbicon) Sortedam Dossering 1, st. th, 2200 København N, DENMARK, +45 70265126
Contract No: 20
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab, Strandvejen 44, 2900 Hellerup, DENMARK, +45 89325514
Contract No: 21
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Prokura A/S, Sankt Peders Stræde 30C, 1453 København K, DENMARK, +45 70224454
Contract No: 22
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Quartz+Co, Ryesgade 3A, 2200 København N, DENMARK, +45 31933193
Contract No: 23
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Rambøll Management Consulting A/S, Olof Palmes Allé 20, 8200 Århus N, DENMARK, +45 51617974
Contract No: 24
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Valcon A/S, Christianshusvej 187, 2970 Hørsholm, DENMARK, +45 20410837