Competition U.30 the sterile centre.


Öppet förfarande
2012-06-28 04:16 (GMT+02:00)
2012-09-03 15:30


Nordlandssykehuset HF, ved Senter for utbygging Nordlandssykehuset HF, ved Senter for utbygging
Lina-Marie Rudborg
Postboks 1480
8092 Bodø

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

This notice is for a tender competition that shall be carried out for Nordlandssykehuset HF, c/o the development centre.

Most of the this contract will comprise of equipment deliveries for Phase 2 of the alteration project at Bodø hospital, as well as for a new hospital in Vesterålen. In addition the procurement options will affect Lofoten hospital.

All communication between the supplier and the awarding authority about this tender can go through Mercell Sourcing Service, so as to ensure good documentation of the entire procurement.

The awarding authority is using Mercell Sourcing Service for this tender process. In order to register your interest in this tender and get access to documents you have to click on the link below or copy and paste it into your internet browser. Then follow the instructions on the web site.

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