34-2011 Laser based wind sensor


03 - Meddelande Om Tilldelning Av Kontrakt
2012-06-29 13:41 (GMT+02:00)


Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt
Frank Arne Hermansen Frank Arne Hermansen
Postboks 25

Kort beskrivning

The objective of this procurement is to provide FFI with a reliable and accurate wind sensor which is suitable for installation on Royal Norwegian Navy surface ships. The wind sensor shall employ LASER(s) to measure unperturbed wind speeds and wind directions at several heights above the ship at sea. FFI and The Royal Norwegian Navy will cooperate to test the suitability of the delivered wind sensor. The outcome of the testing will be a report with recommendations on the suitability for series installation on The Royal Norwegian Navy surface ships. The Royal Norwegian Navy surface ships operate in conditions that are harsh. The Royal Norwegian Navy Fridtjof Nansen class and Skjold class are the possible end users. A coast guard ship and the research vessel H. U Sverdrup may be used initial test purposes. The test period is estimated to be approximately one year. Information on the Royal Norwegian Navy ships may be obtained from www.mil.no.

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