NRK MA2374/10RM - RFI - NRK Graphics system Regions


2010-11-04 14:51 (GMT+01:00)
2010-11-22 12:00 (GMT+01:00)
2010-11-22 12:00 (GMT+01:00)


Norsk rikskringkasting AS Norsk rikskringkasting AS
Rune Dahler Rune Dahler
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons plass 1
0340 OSLO

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Please note: This is a request for information (RFI).

The purpose of this RFI is to collect information about the capabilities of different technical solutions and to gather information to help NRK make a decision on what steps to take next. We understand that any prices given as examples in this RFI are not binding.


The result of the RFI is most likely to lead to a public tendering process. NRK is obliged to respect and follow the European Directives for public procurement.  A public tendering process will be conducted in accordance with the Norwegian Act on public procurement of 16. June 1999 and the Regulations on Public Procurement No. 402 of 7.4.2006.  NRK has to follow one of the formalised procedures as described in these Directives.


Please submit a written answer to the RFI by November 22nd  2010  12:00 noon.  The answer shall be submitted electronically via the Mercell portal (

Scope and goals of this RFI

NRK is planning the procurement of graphics system for 12 sites broadcasting regional news.

NRK aim is to replace its existing FXDeko graphics system with a modern, comprehensive, stable, flexible, scalable, and easy to operate graphics system. The system must integrate with our automation system - Omnibus with Columbus. This system should be up and running at all sites before May 2011.

The scope of this RFI is to search for abilities of a graphics system for live news productions and especially the level of integration into our existing workflow.

NRK is planning to change the automation system within the next two years, and we are also interested to search for future levels of integration.

Communication regarding RFI

Out of convenience, this RFI process is managed in the Mercell portal. The suppliers will gain access through the portal to download documents, submit an answer to the RFI, as well as conduct other correspondence. Any questions regarding the RFI should be addressed through the Mercell portal.


For questions about the use of the Mercell portal, please referred to Mercell Support on telephone +47 21 01 88 61 / +47 21 01 88 00 or e-mail:

Confirmation of intent to participate

Suppliers are asked to confirm the download of the RFI, and inform whether they intend to submit an answer. This is communicated through the portal by using the "I want to submit an offer" - button. Please note: This will of course not be considered as an offer and again prices are not binding.


Please submit a written answer to the RIF by November 22nd  2010 12:00 noon.  The answer shall be submitted electronically via the Mercell portal (


Enclosed documents: 1


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