Tender phase: Invitation to tender for Framework Agreement concerning the delivery of Services on an alternative Cloud Platform to the Municipality of Copenhagen’s Data Science and Web teams


2025-01-21 08:53 (GMT+01:00)
2025-04-02 13:00 (GMT+02:00)


Københavns Kommune Københavns Kommune
Økonomiforvaltningen Økonomiforvaltningen
Carsten Duedahl Carsten Duedahl
Borups Allé 177
2400 København NV

Kort beskrivning

In connection with this invitation to tender, the Contracting Authority wishes to enter into a framework agreement in order to be able to Provision Services through a public Cloud Platform that enables the development and operation of new IT solutions, due to an expectation of achieving simpler administration, faster staff training and fewer support tools.

Detta är steg 2 i en tvåstegs upphandling. Klicka på den här länken för att se förkvalificeringen och relaterade dokument: Invitation to tender for Framework Agreement concerning the delivery of Services on an alternative Cloud Platform to the Municipality of Copenhagen’s Data Science and Web teams

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
Appendix 0 - Definitions.pdf 201 KB
Appendix 1 – Requirement specification.pdf 586 KB
Appendix 1.1 – Supplier’s description of solution.docx 94 KB
Appendix 1.2 - Supplier’s Service Catalogue.xlsx 42 KB
Appendix 2 - Time Schedule.pdf 288 KB
Appendix 3 – Remuneration.docx 79 KB
Appendix 4 - Description of existing Data Science and Web Cloud Platform.pdf 241 KB
Appendix 5 - Collaboration organisation.pdf 201 KB
Appendix 6 – Data processing requirements and Supplier's security of processing.pdf 359 KB
Appendix 6.1 – Supplier’s response to Appendix 6.docx 78 KB
Appendix 6.2 – Data processing agreement, incl. draft documented instructions.docx 46 KB
Appendix 6.2.a – Customer’s documented instructions.pdf 105 KB
Appendix 7 – Licence conditions and Supplier's terms.docx 77 KB
Appendix 8 - Self-declaration regarding Supplier’s Russian affiliations.docx 60 KB
Appendix 9 – The Municipality of Copenhagen’s CSR appendix.pdf 206 KB
Appendix 10 - The Municipality of Copenhagen's Labour Clause.pdf 94 KB
Document A - Tender Specifications.pdf 575 KB
Document B - Framework Agreement.pdf 501 KB
Document C - Representative section of the Services offered.xlsx 24 KB
Document D - Consortium declaration.docx 49 KB
Document F – Declaration of support – Economic and financial capacity.docx 48 KB
Document G – Declaration of support - Technical and professional capacity.docx 46 KB
Document H – Negotiation appendix.docx 49 KB

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