AI Tools - Pathology


eForm 16 Contract notice — standard regime
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2025-01-21 09:06 (GMT+01:00)
2025-02-21 12:00 (GMT+01:00)


Einar Øystein Krohn Einar Øystein Krohn
Postboks 40
Tollbugata 7

9811 VADSØ

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Helse Vest is the first region in Norway to achieve complete digital diagnostics in pathology. The four pathology departments in the region all use the same scanners, the same laboratory information and management system (LIMS, Unilab) and image management system (IMS, Sectra). The Helse Vest region is currently in a unique (inter)national position to prove the real innovative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in pathology diagnostics.

Currently many different AI tools and image analyses software packages have been CE-IVD approved for use in clinical routine practice, but until now very few pathology departments have implemented these computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) tools in daily clinical practice.
The four pathology departments in Helse Vest aim to implement AI tools to enhance the efficiency, speed and objectivity of pathology diagnostics. More importantly, patients will benefit from superior tissue diagnostics that forms the basis for personalized treatment.

The short-term goal is to purchase and implement AI tools for:
•Automatic quantification of proliferation biomarker KI67 in breast cancer (Sub Contract 01)
•Automatic detection and grading of prostate cancer. (Sub Contract 02)

An important partner in this project will be Helse Vest IKT because the AI tools to be acquired have to be integrated with our IMS Sectra.
Helse Sør-Øst operates 8 pathology departments and is participating in the competition with the option to enter into similar agreements as Helse Vest.

Detta är det första steget i ett tvåstegs upphandlingsförfarande. Nästa steg är själva budprocessen. För att se anbudet och relaterade dokument, klicka på den här länken: AI Tools - Pathology

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