Wind farm Kelme-3 WTG procurment


2024-12-03 12:17 (GMT+01:00)
2025-01-15 11:00 (GMT+01:00)
2025-01-09 11:00 (GMT+01:00)
2025-01-09 11:00 (GMT+01:00)


UAB "Kelmės vėjo energija" UAB "Kelmės vėjo energija"
Ignas Šinkevičius Ignas Šinkevičius
Vito Gerulaičio g. 10-101
08200 Vilnius

Kort beskrivning

Dear all,

Here by we announce the tender for Kelme-3 find farm turbines procurements.
Total planned capacity is 150MW - 24WTGs

Please keep all the procurement communication via Mercell platform.
If you have any questions regarding Mercell platform please - do not hesitate to call Kamile - +370 673 88676.


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Titel Status
Kelme-3 WTG - Non binding offers Publicerad

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
00_Schedule - Contractor's Scope.pdf 171 KB
00_Schedule - Owner's Information.pdf 213 KB
00_Schedule - Technical Requirements.pdf 470 KB
00_Schedule - Testing.pdf 393 KB
00_Schedule - Time Schedule.pdf 254 KB
Stage 2 Form - List of Proposals for Negotiations.docx 53 KB
Stage 2 Form - Requirements for the Roads and Crane Pads.docx 59 KB
Stage 2 Form - Tenderer's Terms for Maintenance Agreement.docx 54 KB
Stage 2 Form - Tenderer's Terms for Turbine Supply Contract.docx 53 KB
Stage 1 Form - Guaranteed Ct Values, Power Curves and Sound Power Levels.docx 73 KB
Stage 1 Form - Non-binding Tender Price.xlsx 84 KB
Stage 2 Form - Requirements for Contracts.xlsx 60 KB
Stage 2 Form - Tender Letter.docx 62 KB
01_Schedule - Owner's Scope.pdf 496 KB
Stage 2 Form - WTG Technical Specification.xlsx 42 KB
Annex 3 - Preliminary Road layout.dwg 2,18 MB
Annex 1 - Preliminary signal list of the Kelme 3 Wind Farm.xlsx 61 KB
Annex 4 - IT and OT requirements.pdf 116 KB
Annex 2 - Litgrid Requirements.pdf 1,30 MB
Annex 3 - Wind Turbine details.xlsx 21 KB
Annex 2 - Preliminary Single Line Diagram.pdf 360 KB
Annex 1 - General requirements to perform WTG Grid Compliance Test.pdf 162 KB

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