Region Hovedstaden - Property Insurance Procurement


eForm 16 Contract notice — standard regime
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2024-06-18 08:59 (GMT+02:00)
2024-07-16 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


Willis Towers Watson Willis Towers Watson
Geena Cen Geena Cen
Rundforbivej 303
2850 Nærum

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The insurance procurement covers Property insurance with inception January 1, 2025 involving the following lot:

Lot 1: Property Damage to Real Property arising from Fire, Storm and Water only and Property Damage to Personal Property arising from fire and electrical damage only.

The contracting entity may award the contract on the basis of the initial tender and, hence, the tenderers cannot rely on negotiation meetings to be conducted.

There is anticipated to be one negotiation meeting. The negotiation meetings will preferably be held remotely via "Microsoft Teams ".

There is no remuneration to participants in the negotiations.
Costs incurred by the tenderer in connection with the preparation and submission of a tender for one or more lots are the tenderers to bear and will not be reimbursed.

Please see tender materials for more information.

Detta är det första steget i ett tvåstegs upphandlingsförfarande. Nästa steg är själva budprocessen. För att se anbudet och relaterade dokument, klicka på den här länken: Region Hovedstaden - Property Insurance Procurement - Tender Phase

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
April2024-BispebjergHospital UW rapport.PDF 4,71 MB
April2024-Glostrup Hospital UWrapport.PDF 4,86 MB
April2024-Herlev Hospital UW rapport.PDF 6,54 MB
April2024-HvidovreHospital UW rapport.PDF 7,01 MB
April2024-Rigshospitalet UW rapport.PDF 5,52 MB
April2024-SctHans UW Rapport.PDF 5,72 MB
Assets List.XLSX 135 KB
Broker of Record Letter.PDF 262 KB
Claims Information.XLS 67 KB
Fact Sheet.pdf 1,14 MB
ITT_AppendixA_TenderEvaluation.pdf 126 KB
ITT_AppendixB_Negotiationmeeting.pdf 114 KB
ITT_AppendixC_FormofTender_TenderReplySlip.pdf 147 KB
ITT_AppendixD_LetterofCommitment.pdf 74 KB
ITT_AppendixE_SolemnDeclaration.pdf 144 KB
ITT_MainDoc.pdf 195 KB
Policy Schedule and Wording.pdf 420 KB

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