Intravital Imaging System


15 - Meddelande om frivillig förhandsinsyn
2023-09-29 09:49 (GMT+02:00)


Aarhus Universitet Aarhus Universitet
Ann Sophie Steffensen
Nordre Ringgade 1
8000 Aarhus C


The Department of Biomedicine has many research projects where animal models are used to follow the pathology of different diseases and possible treatment strategies. As this often are few cells with accordingly weak signals, the sensitivity and laser source are of paramount importance for the results. Therefore the department intends to purchase an intravital imaging system allowing non-invasive fluorescent/bioluminescent imaging of cells, injected peptides ect. in anesthetized mice/rats.

It is key that the system delivers the highest sensitivity possible, which is crucial for the research. Requirements for specific features and capabilities are listed in the following:

1)The system must deliver the highest sensitivity possible, i.e. it must hold a lens with a minimum aperture size of f/0.7. Having a wider lens aperture helps in collecting more light and leads to a faster acquisition, resulting in a higher level of sensitivity, which is key for e.g. detecting small tumors and/or metastases at a very early stage or being able to locate low sample signals.

2)The system must allow powerful (high penetration depth) and homogenous illumination with accurate fluorescence quantification of all animals investigated at the same time (also the ones positioned on the edges), which is crucial for the research.

3)The system must hold the newest camera technology, i.e. a front-illuminated camera, Grade 0 in order to avoid dead pixels in the images

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