20230043 Dynamic purchasing system for flexible courses


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Selektivt förfarande
2023-07-07 09:23 (GMT+02:00)
2033-05-31 23:59


Skatteetaten Skatteetaten
Bjørg Aakre Bjørg Aakre
Postboks 9200 Grønland
0134 OSLO

Kort beskrivning

The Norwegian Tax Administration needs to purchase physical, digital and hybrid courses on the topic of flexibility. We need courses at multiple levels such as basic, advanced and certification There is a need for courses on flexible working methods, such as Scrum, Kanban, XP and others.

Mercell Commerce

Del av Mercellgruppen, en av Europas ledande leverantörer av elektroniska upphandlings- och anbudssystem på den professionella marknaden.

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