Dynamic purchasing system for software and services


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Selektivt förfarande
2023-07-11 10:25 (GMT+02:00)
2033-07-04 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


TV 2 Danmark A/S TV 2 Danmark A/S
Rasmus Rullhøj Lynggaard Rasmus Rullhøj Lynggaard
Rugårdsvej 25
5000 Odense C

Kort beskrivning

The dynamic purchasing system is established to ensure that TV 2 can purchase software and services to support the technical development of the organisation and have the proper digital tools to deliver media services in the future.


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Titel Status
A. Infrastructure Publicerad
B. Data Management Publicerad
C. Security Publicerad
D. Business services Publicerad

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
A0 Annex A0 - Definitions.pdf 118 KB
A0 Tender Conditions .pdf 267 KB
A01 Annex A1 - Detailed descriptions of Categories and Service Areas.pdf 205 KB
A02 Annex A2.1 - Infrastructure Reference Descriptions.docx 105 KB
A02 Annex A2.2 - Data Management Reference Descriptions.docx 107 KB
A02 Annex A2.3 - Security Reference Descriptions.docx 104 KB
A02 Annex A2.4 - Business services Reference Descriptions.docx 105 KB
A03 Annex A3 - Consortium declaration .docx 95 KB
A04 Annex A4 - Declaration.docx 119 KB
B0 Draft of Annex B0 - Definitions.pdf 153 KB
B0 Draft of Contract.pdf 227 KB
B0 Draft of Mini-tender conditions.pdf 346 KB
B01 Draft of Annex B1 - Task Description.pdf 258 KB
B02 Draft of Annex B2 - Prices.pdf 70 KB
B03 Draft of Annex B3 - Supplier's subcontractors.pdf 143 KB
B04 Draft of Annex B4 - Supplier's standard terms and conditions.pdf 178 KB
Data Processing Agreement draft.pdf 231 KB

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