Harstad Municipality, on behalf of all the municipalities that are part of Digi Troms og Finnmark, intends to enter into a contract with Digitaliseringsinstituttet AS for the delivery of a competence programme in digital transformation for management groups.
The offer of a competence programme will be given to all the municipalities that are members of Digi Troms og Finnmark. Each municipality will decide whether or not they will participate. The goal is participation from all the 39 municipalities in the county.
Municipalities that are members of Digi Troms og Finnmark:
Alta, Balsfjord, Bardu, Gamvik, Gratangen, Hammerfest, Harstad, Ibestad, Karasjok, Kautokeino, Kvæfjord, Kvænangen, Kåfjord, Lebesby, Lyngen, Målselv, Måsøy, Nordkapp, Nordreisa, Salangen,
Senja, Skjervøy, Storfjord, Sørreisa, Tjeldsund, and Vadsø.
Municipalities that can join Digi Troms og Finnmark:
Berlevåg, Båtsfjord, Karlsøy, Nesseby, Porsanger, Tana, Dyrøy, Hasvik, Lavangen, Loppa, Sør-Varanger, and Tromsø