Electronic patient journal for the dental health service


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2023-05-30 09:32 (GMT+02:00)


Vestland fylkeskommune Vestland fylkeskommune
Katrina Øvsthus Stavenes
Postboks 7900

Kort beskrivning

A dialogue is wanted with the market before a procurement process for the establishment of a contract for the delivery of an electronic patient journal system for dental health in Vestland County. The aim of the market dialogue is to map whether there are several suppliers that can cover Vestland County's needs. Vestland County would like an electronic patient journal system that has sufficient breadth and depth to cover the needs in the service. See the attached document for further information on what scope Vestland County has within dental health, what dental treatments and specialist treatments have been provided, and what requirements we have for an electronic patient journal system. The requirements specification can be changed during the procurement process until the contest notice is published. See the attached document. A dialogue is wanted with the market before a procurement process for the establishment of a contract for the delivery of an electronic patient journal system for dental health in Vestland County. The aim of the market dialogue is to map whether there are several suppliers that can cover Vestland County's needs. Vestland County would like an electronic patient journal system that has sufficient breadth and depth to cover the needs in the service. See the attached document for further information on what scope Vestland County has within dental health, what dental treatments and specialist treatments have been provided, and what requirements we have for an electronic patient journal system. The requirements specification can be changed during the procurement process until the contest notice is published. See the attached document.

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