Automatic casting machine with accompanying instrument-dependent consumables for delivery to Innlandet Hospital Trust


15 - Meddelande om frivillig förhandsinsyn
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2023-03-24 10:29 (GMT+01:00)


Sykehuset Innlandet HF Sykehuset Innlandet HF
Thomas Aaseth Thomas Aaseth
Postboks 104
2381 Brumunddal


Innlandet Hospital Trust intends to enter into an agreement with Sakura Finetek Norway AS (Sakura) for the purchase of an automatic casting machine of the model Tissue-Tek AutoTEC® a120. The instrument must fulfil certain criteria as mentioned in section IV point 1.1. The contracting authority is only aware of the instrument from Sakura being able to fulfil the need. Innlandet Hospital intends to enter into an MTU purchase agreement, a framework agreement for the purchase of instrument-dependent consumables and a post-warranty service and maintenance agreement. The duration of the framework agreement and the service and maintenance agreement will be for as long as the equipment is in use.

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