NRK MA2236/09TM Audio hardware radio transmission


2009-05-08 09:27 (GMT+02:00)
2009-05-15 12:00 (GMT+02:00)
2009-05-15 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


Norsk rikskringkasting AS Norsk rikskringkasting AS
Rune Dahler Rune Dahler
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons plass 1
0340 OSLO

Anbudet er kansellert

Kort beskrivning

Dear Sir or Madam


The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation Ltd. (NRK) is about to purchase audio hardware for use in the NRK radio transmission lines.


Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation Ltd. (NRK)

NRK is a state-owned limited company and Norway’s leading broadcasting company, with the prime responsibility for producing and distributing a complete radio and television service to the entire population. NRK also supplies a comprehensive service on the Internet and text-TV. NRK produces and distributes programs from the head office at Marienlyst in Oslo, the NRK Centre at Tyholt in Trondheim, 14 regional offices and Sámi Radio in Karasjok.


Public procurement regulations

As a publicly controlled entity that serves the general public, NRK is subject to:

The Norwegian Public Procurement Act of 16th July 1999 no.: 69 with pertaining regulations regarding public procurements.

NRK is also comprised by the WTO / GPA regulations.


For this tender competition (RFP) the following parts of The Norwegian Public Procurement Act of 16th July 1999 no.: 69 with pertaining regulations regarding public procurements apply:

Part I : General Terms only, below EU/EEA and National threshold values, no public announcement.


The procedure leaves no room for negotiations and only clarifications which does not comprise material changes to the bids.




20 pieces Soundscape Mixtreme 192 PCI card. This is an absolute demand.

Specifications See pdf. file attached: System Requirements Digasystem

20 pieces RME ADI-192 DD breakoutbox or similar solution.

Specifications RME:


Input AES/EBU: 4xXLR, transformed balanced, input stage <0,3Vpp , SPDIF compatible max 192kHz single wire.

Output AES/EBU: 4xXLR, transformer balanced, 4,5 Vpp.max 192kHz single wire.

Input/Output TDIF: 2xD-type 25pin, 24bit

Input word clock: BNC, Signal Adaptation Circuit (func. from 1,2Vpp).

Output word clock:BNC, loww impedance driver stage, 4 Vpp into 75 Ohms, short circuit proof.

Sync sources: Internal, AES/EBU in, TDIF in, word clock in.

Samplefreq: 44,1kHz, 48kHz, 96kHz (sync/word clock)

Jitter: Internal clock < 1ns, extrenal clocks < 1ns

Jitter sensitivity: all PLLs operate error-free at 100ns

Jitter suppression : >30dB (2,4kHz)

SRC dynamic ratio: 140dB RMS unweighted, 143dBA

Sample rate ratio: max. 7:1 / 1:7

Power supply: Internal switching mode PS, 230V AC, 20watt

Dimentions: Fits 19”rack, max 1 U

Warranty: min. 2 years


General Terms & Conditions

DDP - Incoterms 2000 to NRK, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons plass 1, 0340, Oslo, Norway

Payment Net 30 days


Please submit your response to this request for proposal by May 14, 2009.

We would also appreciate a response if you decline to submit a proposal.



This tender process will be managed in the Mercell Sourcing Service (MSS portal). Through this portal the tenderers will be given access to documents and correspondence regarding this tender competition.

Questions regarding the use of MSS-portal should be directed to Mercell Support, 
phone +47 21 01 88 61 / +47 22 30 90 53 or e-mail 



NRK would like to draw your attention to the Norwegian Act relating to: Transparency in documents in public enterprises, dated 2006-05-19, valid from 2009-01-01.

This implies that when the choice of supplier has been made, the documents and evaluations may be claimed to be public. To avoid any harm to the supplier/tenderer, caused by irrelevant persons gaining access to information which is competition sensitive, NRK requests that the supplier/tenderer delivers an electronic version of his offer/tender, readily censored for trade secrets (prepared for publication).


NRK will treat all information which the tenderer/supplier regards as trade secrets, confidentially, as far as it is allowed by the Norwegian law.

Accordingly, we suppose the suppliers/tenderers to handle information received from NRK in connection with the tender competition confidentially. This also applies after the contract has been terminated.


Supplier/tenderers confirmation:
The supplier/tenderer shall confirm the understanding of the above and clearly mark the document that is prepared for publication: "Prepared for publication"
If a special document is not prepared for publication. NRK will consider the original offer document ready for publication.



Delivery time

As soon as possible.


Guarantee policy

Describe your general guarantee policy.



No support needed.


Evaluation and Award Criteria

The Tenderers are advised that NRK is not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender for the performance of the work. If an award is made, it will be made to the economically most advantageous Tender based on the following criteria in non-priority order:


·         Price and general conditions.

·         Delivery time.

·         Guarantee.

·         Ability to meet the given criteria.


Please find 1 attachment enclosed:

System Requirements Digasystem pdf file

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
SystemRequirementsDigaSystem.pdf 171 KB

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